
“We are an organisation of municipal cities led by mayors and city officials, working in conjunction with city sportspeople”

Statutes of International Children’s Games

Art. 1
The International Children’s Games is an alliance of cities that pursue the common goal of forming nation-linking friendships through the exercising of sports and the arranging of sports competitions.

The aim of the International Children’s Games, which are underpinned by the Olympic values, is to globally extend the sporting values of international friendship, equality and inclusiveness in physical activity and sport, in a positive and welcoming environment. Ultimately the Games provide the opportunity for sportspeople to participate in international competition, enriching their sporting and cultural experiences at a young age.

The seat of the International Children’s Games is in Lausanne, Switzerland and the office of the Executive Committee is the respective place of residence of the Secretary-General.

Art. 4
All cities that have organized the International Children’s Games can become members and have the right to vote.

Art. 5
Members have the right to nominate the candidate to the International Children’s Games Committee and Auditors. The nomination must be signed by the Mayor and includes a statement to pay all financial obligations necessary for the office.

Art. 6
The admission of new members can only be undertaken by the General Assembly.

Art. 7
Individuals who have made a special contribution to the International Children’s Games can be admitted as honorary members by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Committee.

Art. 8
Membership can be terminated by:
a) Resignation with written explanation,
b) Expulsion by two-thirds majority of the Members attending a General Assembly.
Notification of termination and appeals must be forwarded to all Members. In the event of a vacancy, the position should be filled by the accepting nominee receiving the greatest number of votes in the last General Assembly. If no accepting nominees exist the position shall remain vacant until the next General Assembly.

The Recognized bodies of the International Children’s Games are:
a) General Assembly
b) Committee
c) Executive Committee
d) National Committees
e) Technical Board
f) Technical Commission

General Assembly
Art. 10
The General Assembly is the highest executing body of the International Children’s Games. It concerns itself with the following:
a) The decision concerning questions on principles,
b) The authorization of personnel assignments,
c) The affirmation of the Committees progress reports,
d) The admission and termination of membership,
e) The selection of the Committee, Executive-Committee and external auditors,
f) The decisions concerning finances,
g) The decisions concerning changes to Statutes and Regulations.

Art. 11
The General Assembly meets every two (2) years, with elections every 4 years. These meetings must be announced at least 3 months in advance. An extraordinary session of the General Assembly can take place at the request of one-third of the members, or by decision of the Committee. For the extraordinary meeting, at least 3 months notification period is necessary.

All resolutions made by the General Assembly are only valid if a quorum is present. A quorum is defined as at least one-third of the members being present prior to the start of the meeting.
If a General Assembly cannot be held in person, it should be organized through another method e.g. online, email etc.

a) All decisions will be made by the simple majority of members present, with the exception of those cases for which a special regulation can be found in the Statutes.
b) Each member has one vote. This right to vote can only be exercised by the representative with written authorization from the member city.


Art. 13
The Committee is the executing body of the International Children’s Games. It concerns itself with the following:
a) The preparation for the General Assembly,
b) The execution of Resolutions by the General Assembly,
c) The set-up and up-keep of contacts,
d) The selection of the cities which will host the International Children’s Games, and coordination of the dates of events,
e) The supervision of the preparations for the International Children’s Games,
f) The control of adherence to sport rules during the execution of International Children’s Games,
g) The Resolutions concerning cost of participation in the International Children’s Games,
h) The cultivation of contact among the members,
i) The convening of an Extraordinary General Assembly in the case of a resignation of the President or with the written request of at least one-third of the Members.
j) The ICG Committee has the right to nominate up to four (4) persons to the Committee for the General Assembly elections.

The Committee consists of a maximum of nineteen (19) members. For a period of four (4) years the following will be elected by the General Assembly:
a) President
b) 2 Vice-Presidents
c) Treasurer
d) Secretary-General
e) 2 Members to the Executive Committee
f) Up to 12 other Members
The Elections occur at the Summer Games every 4 years.

Candidates for President, Treasurer and Secretary-General are elected if they receive a majority of votes.
2 Vice Presidents are elected by receiving the top two (2) greatest number of votes.
2 Members to the Executive Committee are elected by receiving the top 2 greatest number of votes.
Up to 12 other Members are elected by receiving the top twelve (12) greatest number of votes.
Re-election is possible

A city can be represented by up to two (2) members on the Committee.

Art. 17
The Committee meets at least once a year. The meeting must be announced at least three (3) months in advance. The call for a meeting must be initiated by the President or at the request of at least nine (9) members. The invitation and agenda must in principle be delivered two (2) months in advance of the meeting.

Art. 18
The Committee constitutes a quorum when at least nine (9) members are present. All decisions are reached by a simple majority. In case of a tie the President’s vote is the deciding factor.

Art. 19
In the event of a vacancy, the position should remain vacant unit the next General Assembly, where the replacement can be elected.

Executive Committee
Art. 20
The concerns of the current administration and urgent decisions between Committee meetings will be handled by the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee consists of the International Children’s Games President, two (2) Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary-General and two (2) other Members.

Art. 22
The President is responsible for the overall leadership of the International Children’s Games. Their specific duties are in particular:
a) The summoning and administration of the General Assembly, the Committee and the Executive Committee,
b) Observance of contacts between Committee members,
c) Signing of all documents which signify an obligation on the part of the International Children’s Games. In the absence of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents can sign on behalf of the International Children’s Games,
d) The provision of a Business Report for presentation to the General Assembly.
In the absence of the President, the office will preside by one of the Vice-Presidents.

One of the Vice-Presidents will be the Chair of and responsible for the work of the Technical Commission and the Technical Board.

Art. 24
The Treasurer is responsible for the finances. His responsibilities are in particular:
a) Suggestions and efforts for the procurement of currency for the payment of the administration of the Committee and the Executive-Committee,
b) Keeping of accounts and books for the International Children’s Games,
c) Investment of assets of the International Children’s Games,
d) Payment of invoices with the consent of the president,
e) Prepare an annual budget for the International Children’s Games,
f) Provision of a financial report to the General Assembly.

The Treasurer is responsible for the finances and in particular:
a) Attracting income to cover the costs of the administration of the office of the International Children’s Games and the work of the all Committees.
b) Keeping of accounts and ledgers for the International Children’s Games
c) Investment of assets of the International Children’s Games
d) Payment of invoices
e) Arranging the audits of the accounts
f) Preparing an annual budget
g) Provision of a financial report for the General Assembly and Committee meetings.

Art. 25
The Secretary-General is responsible for:
a) Administration and reporting of the International Children’s Games
b) The handling of written correspondence
c) The setting up and distribution of Meeting’s protocol and announcements
d) Being the central point for the Games organisers in preparing the Games
e) Managing the office of the International Children’s Games and its correspondence

All costs incurred by the Secretary-General should be reimbursed by the International Children’s Games.

Art. 26
The members of the Executive Committee are honorary positions. Personal expenses which arise out of such duties, shall be reimbursed.
The membership can be terminated by:
a) Resignation,
b) Violating rules of the International Children’s Games,
c) A member not attending 3 consecutive meetings.

Executive Committee meetings can be attended by invited guests, but without the right to vote.

Art. 28
The decisions made by the Executive Committee must be confirmed by the Committee at their next meeting or by written or electronic vote.

Art. 29
The Committee will appoint external auditors. Some weeks prior to the General Assembly, with the exception of an extraordinary General Assembly, they must audit the accounts and ledgers of the International Children’s Games and provide a report to the General Assembly.
The auditors must have appropriate financial qualifications.

Technical Commission
The Technical Commission will consist of up to 10 people appointed by the Chair of the Technical Commission in consultation with the President and the Secretary-General and with the approval of the Committee.
In special cases the Technical Commission may be extended with additional temporary members for individual Games.
One of the Vice-Presidents will be the Chair of the Technical Commission.

Responsibilities of the Technical Commission are:
a) To set up rules and regulations, including the Technical Handbooks, of the sports offered at each Games.
b) To monitor the rules and regulations of the sports competitions at each Games.
c) To rigidly enforce the adherence of these sports rules and regulations.
d) To co-operate with and monitor the preparation by each Host City regarding the execution of the sports offered at each Games.
e) To complete Final Reports within 2 weeks of the end of each Games with comments for continuous improvement.
f) To be in attendance for the duration of the sports competition, from the beginning until the medal ceremony.

National Committees
Art. 31
National Committees are recognized by the by International Children’s Games with adherence to all of the following:
a) A majority vote of International Children’s Games Committee,
b) A minimum of one (1) city in that country must have hosted a Games,
c) A minimum of three (3) cities in that country has participated in the Games,
d) A letter requesting recognition is submitted by a minimum of three (3) mayors in that country.
National Committees can set up their own statutes that support the ideals of International Children’s Games and cannot contradict the International Children’s Games Statutes.
National Committees can use the International Children’s Games logo and must provide an annual report of activities to the International Children’s Games President.

The Games

Art. 32
The International Children’s Games can be carried out as either Summer or Winter Games. At the Summer Games, athletics and swimming are obligatory sports and must include a minimum of two (2) individual and two (2) team sports. Winter Games must include skiing and an ice sport.

Art. 33
All International Children’s Games must be approved by the Committee. The awarding of a Games to a host city is approved by a vote of a majority of the Committee. Technical regulations of the International Children’s Games are those adopted rules of the respective international sports federations.

Art. 34
All sports regulations for each Games must be approved by the Technical Commission. Valid regulations are available in the International Children’s Games Technical Handbooks.

Art. 35
Participating athletes must reside or attend school in the city in which they represent. Athletes/Participants must be 12 years old by the 1st of January, in the year of the Games, and must still be 15 years old, on 31st December, in the year of the Games, and can only participate in one sport.

Art. 36
Each of the International Children’s Games participating cities must pay a participation fee, the amount of which is prescribed in the Guide to Entry, paid by credit card to the account of the International Children’s Games Committee, at no cost to the International Children’s Games. This payment must be made at the registration process. Cities that have not paid the appropriate fee will not be allowed to participate in the Games.

Symbols and Languages
Art. 37
The symbols of the International Children’s Games are:
a) The flag which shows five Athletes in a row on five waves in the colors of blue, yellow, black, green and red,
b) The anthem by Beethoven/Schiller “Ode to Joy”,
c) Medals of gold, silver and bronze,
d) The logo of the International Children’s Games.

Art. 38
The working language of the Games is English.

Art. 39
In case of dissolution of the International Children’s Games, the entire assets will be turned over to an international organization which is dedicated to supporting youth internationally.

Updated September 2023

Tallinn, Estonia

August 3-8, 2025

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